
Dear Muse

Dear Muse,

Yes, for now you are just my muse. But how I wish it was more, not just mere admiration, but more of an interaction. I don’t want my words to be written just to be pushed to death off a cliff into the deep waters with no hope of return. I want them to be buried within the dark realms of your soul, to soak in your sadness, to root in the vessels of your thoughts and nourish. I want it to bloom into a blossom emanating the aroma of your true self. I want to cherish the fragrance even though I can’t fully understand it. I’m sure I never will.

I just want you to hear me out. It is up to you to decide to let it in. I just hope I have nuanced my words enough to pervade beyond your senses. But blocking me out had caused a back flow that led me into a mire that slowly engulfs my pride of what is left and while my contrition floods me within. But in contrast to dismay that should arise I seem to like the struggle it poses. To swim out of the puddle, while it might seem easy but with the pride drained you feel all too small. To rise is to give up. To give up is to stare into the void, stepping into the darkness as every ray of light drains down. Now I know how you lit up out of nowhere as I look into the darkness. It is the likeness, the synchronicity that put us in a space, in that proximity close enough to create that spark. But I can’t wait forever for that spark to ignite another light, another ray, another day. I’m not giving up. I’m not going to rise out of the puddle. What if I struck out? I’m going to drink it down today and with it my pride that is muddled.

And why you? Well you are resilient, rebellious and thinking about you is rewarding and rejuvenating. And the need for interaction is I’m the most comfortable talking to you. Better than anyone for now. Don’t think I haven’t confirmed. I have let down my guard and spoke to strangers and even when some conversations were good, they never make me as comfortable as a mere thought of you, even the kin. With you being a stranger all the while and yet the feel of comfort is what makes me seek you out. If you are not feeling that comfort yourself then all this devotion, albeit intense, is tenuous. Leaving me unworthy.

But today I take the chance.
And here’s to you, cheers!

Yours truly,
The relentless artist.


Would you come lie down here next to me, here in this soft grass under the open sky? Come, I’ll show you the countless stars that shine here under us. I don’t know all their names, but sure all of them ain’t named. We could give them few names of our own. You see the stars you’ll know, they are just there to shine in their own place, forever as it pleases. You can’t find more purpose of meaning for them. Their purpose is just to sit there and shine as long as it pleases. Just like us, you next to me, me next to you. Shine.

Hey there,

Today I dreamt about you. It was the first time that you were in my dreams. No wonder there as I was thinking about you a lot lately. It is a bit logical isn’t it. But what wasn’t logical was the dream. I saw you, though actually we haven’t even met. I spoke to you, which I might not. And I asked you out, which I never will. You stood there like a lifeless mannequin. You reflected no emotions like you have never felt any. You weren’t unhappy, but you weren’t a bit glad either. Buy you did utter a yes, cause there was joy in my face not that I can look as my own. Certainly you didn’t reflect my feeling as well. It would be clearly immoral to take that yes with that tone a real yes. But I didn’t care, nothing bothered me from taking you out. Even I couldn’t stop me. I’m sure we have been seeing for a while now as we were standing facing each other with your cold face like snow heaped between my palms. It’s quite surprising how a dream could make you feel something played out with the curtains down. The chase was cut to and there you were, staring right into my eyes, frozen. For something that cold, the lips were still red as I kissed them. It was not pleasurable for either of us. I mean, physically yes, but otherwise. But I had zero guilt. Not me, I sure was feeling bad but the one doing it wasn’t. But that was not the issue. I hardly remember getting into a room let alone not closing the door. And a women passed by taking a peek. And I couldn’t say why the guilt seeped now. A moment later a man came then the women, then another and then a few. They were hysteric and looking for something and nothing stopped them looking around. They were clearly unhappy. I’m sure they were looking for happiness not for their own but just to snatch it away from me. But the anxiety already took it. But what really bothered me was you, standing there looking around without exhibiting an emotion. Even a little hate would have helped me get over the shade glooming my head. Suddenly the room was clear. It was off sudden but not something snapped away in a frame, just a natural way of sudden disappearance. I stood alone in that room as light retreated through the single door. The shadow grew and I wondered why it was so dark.


There were two pages left to finish the story but the train already reached the station. It wasn’t a thriller or a suspense that is going to be revealed only in the next two pages. Nobody need to be rescued. There are questions that remain unanswered. But I’m sure given the author, it is gonna be left unanswered. But it does give you the satisfaction, to finish the book just as you reach the station, with a hearty fulfillment of completing the book. May be I should have kept reading instead of taking that nap. But I hardly slept last night with all the anxiety. May be I could have skipped standing by the door as the train swept pay the hill terrain. But that was my favourite part of traveling on this route. May be I wasn’t distracted by the kids arguing, buy that was fun. I can’t get off the next station, thought it is within the city, I’ll be definitely late for the meeting. Those two pages didn’t have much importance to the rest of the story. It’s sort of saying goodbyes. The story is already done, but it’s like leaving out the desert in the plate. Not like it’s gonna be a sweet ending. I refreshed thinking about the chances those two pages can take. What if I’m wrong. What if it wasn’t goodbyes. Rather they get together instead. The bus reached the stop.

The coffee was laid. Still not much was spoken. “You’ll get your iced tea in a minute sir”. I didn’t care. Words were discovered to communicate. And there were a lot of them too. But it was hard to fill those silences with them. The pathetic music of the coffee shop was trying to alter the rhythm of my heart. I didn’t realise it’s presence all this while. “You said you wanted to talk!”. I did. The tea was served. Drowned the words for a couple of seconds. I just wanted to talk some nonsense. No one warned me that over a cup of coffee, nonsense was pretty hard to find. I tried to tell her about the book that I left unfinished, but I couldn’t remember the title.

In one sitting

I have been waiting, for over a week now. Waiting is not that hard. The real pain is in the thoughts that scratch your soul like it was glass, with their thin tin nails. A proper screech. Then it was all over with a single sight of your text. And the real joy was in the anticipation of that moment, the preparation that goes in vain and the impulsive actions that wins the day. I smiled to the thought of it while having bath. It must have been a while I think. Cause there was a pinch of pain, like you are working out a muscle that you haven’t even flinched in a while or forever. Yes, we met. We spoke like we will never run out of words. Of all the earthly things and the other worldly things that we could talk about. But in a moment within those moments, I feel I don’t deserve this. This wonderful moment which is gonna be the peak that I fall from. I feel lost like looking for the bottle cap that I dropped on a crowded street where people are always on a rush. May be there is a big discount in the near by store or all of them, may be everyone is on a hurry to get on the last train to get home for supper. Meanwhile the bottle of fruit juice I opened is shrinking slowly waiting to spill, while the crowd is unaware of my staining issue, they just go on a rampage on the bottle cover, the innocent poor thing being pushed and crushed across the heaving street. Making me almost feel guilty for dropping it. Then I see you uttering the nonsense we both don’t care about. I smiled as I sipped the juice. You can’t save it for later without the cap.


“What are you looking for?” asked Nature. The disillusioned Dream staring into the oblivion uttered a senseless “Hope!”.

“Are you hoping to dream or dreaming of Hope?”, said Nature like it was playing a game. Dream was out of words, or more like tired of uttering them, was looking for a mono syllable word to answer her. Such a nurturing being Nature is, couldn’t resist to bother him more. “Tell me about this Hope”. Dream sensed the smile trying to creep into his lips like a crab sneaking out after the wave. Hiding it, “She gives you hope, a sense, a direction, a dwindling beam in the dense dark forest. Might be even momentary but shows signs of purpose, where there is none. Even sometimes misleading, you can never distrust her”.

“So why do you miss her, do you lack direction or purpose?”

“I don’t miss her. You can’t, no one can. She’s the warmth of life, lying in the living tissue, breathing life into your soul. If you miss her you might be dead, dead inside. At least I don’t miss her, yet.”

Dream was unnerved. It went on to ask nature. “Have you ever wondered what is your purpose?”

“Sure, keep doing what I do, as long as I want to”

“But how do you know that you want to, and what if you don’t want it anymore? Do you even realise it?”

“You have too many questions that no one has answers to.”

“If not for answers, what are questions for?”

But slowly Dream began to understand, that all it had was questions. It was not as much as Curiosity had, but it was too much for anyone to bear. Also it sensed why it missed and looking for hope. Dream spoke to the interested Nature.

“I’m not looking for answers, I’m just looking for directions. For it is not my purpose to find answers. I’m the purpose for which the answers need to be found.”

It went on. “I’m not the key, I’m barely the lock. I’m not even what the door guards, but just the perception of what lies behind those doors. But if not for hope, I’ll be just an empty black void before even the door is unlocked”


Dream decided to take a stroll around the park somewhere no one would find him. He didn’t expect it to be too dark at that time. He didn’t consult with time, it was all of a sudden decision. He looked around to find darkness, may be request to leave him alone. Not that he was alone, he was already surrounded by nature, but she would understand his thoughts, its only natural. After a moment of searching he realised he was already surrounded by him. Politely he did ask, but all he could hear was laughter. Dream felt like he was being bullied again. But nature whispered to him, that it wasn’t Darkness he was talking to. She explained, it’s not dark because of Darkness but the absence of Light. The problem was not that Dream needed light but was too get rid of Darkness. Since he was already out of the picture, he wondered who would that be laughing at him. It is Eternity, whispered nature. Dream was pissed at first, later came the realisation as usual. It decided to post the question that was bothering him to the wisest being, the all eternal Eternity. “Dear Eternity, the wisest of us all, the one without beginning and end, infinitum ad infinitum, I have a question that’s been bothering me forever from the moment I met Thought. Would you care to help me sort it, else forever I’ll be glomming over it.” Eternity said, “Sure”. “I don’t understand what is my function, when most of the time I fail. I have the worst failure rate, you should know that already. I can’t assimilate why I do what I do, giving Hope false directions and now she is hooked up with Depression. I don’t know what is the purpose of my existence.”

Eternity said, “But you are the purpose of existence!”

Conversations with her

“What are you scared of?”

“What!?”, she sounded puzzled.
“You heard it, what scares you the most or what are you afraid of?”
“But why do you ask?”
“I’m just curious to know what your worst fears are.”
“But why!?”
“May be because, in my head I see you, as you are. And you seem to be a brave person. So I want to know what scares you. I can’t imagine anything that would scare you”
“Why would I tell you my secret?”
“OK, don’t tell me. Thinking about it, I feel that may be I’d lose interest in you”
“Or may be not. May be i won’t. May be one day I’ll get to explore you, even find a one way ticket to your hidden fears. I’ll dive into the deepest dark corners of your mind to find the treasure trove of your best kept secrets and sift through them to find your worst fears, what are they made of and defines what you really are. Even if it consumes me. I’ll lie within them, fighting it for you, defeating them one by one alongside the inner you. Not like you need my help, but I would. If you let me.”

The ghost of the house lizard

The lizards are not that harmful. At least to humans I guess. But still we develop an incorrigible fear or hatred toward the inconspicuous species. They eat the pests pestering us but still pester us by their mere presence. I’m not going to judge you for loving them, they might deserve some, but I definitely hate them like the herd.

I checked the expiry date on the multi grain bread packet as I picked four slices to toast and butter up and soak it in honey. Just as I picked the pan lying on its back with yesterday’s leftovers still in its underbelly, sneaked out the lone lizard that has been squatting in my house. I mostly ignore it’s presence and as a courtesy I believe it never made any noise. It could have been mute or may be being alone in that house so long it had no purpose or reason to make a call. Well today I can’t ignore it. It is a sore thing to see in the morning and up close with the fear of it in the proximity and the chances of contact only scares you, makes you jump too. I did. As I tried to chase it away, it kept crawling between the spaces within those metals and plastics spread around the counter. It can’t blame me for it getting behind the chopping board leaned against the wall, just convenient enough for me to tap it against the wall jamming it between. Losing the board was worth having a peaceful breakfast without any lizard in sight. Well you can wash the board for reuse but you can’t remove the stain etched in your neural synapses.

As the toast was burning over the pan, the assumedly dead lizard, came walking like Lazarus out of the pit. I’m not Jesus. I just covered the stupid thing with a plastic cup. We had two hammers that was just rusting. Laying it over the cup to trap there lizard would be a better purpose for it to serve this morning. Then I had my honey toasts.

It’s been two days. There was no mourning for the lizard. Are there any way to send it off to the other side, we’ll never know. Where do the ghosts of lizard go? I wondered as I checked my crooked wisdom teeth for leftover meat. And suddenly I felt something running over my hands and pulled it away to get a better view. And slowly turned my gaze to the mirror, with the realisation of the horror of watching that pale thing slip into my still open mouth.